Council Assessment Panel

The Council Assessment Panel (CAP) is a body established by Council for the assessment and determination of development applications, including those where representations from the public will be heard.

CAP Meetings

Meetings of the Council Assessment Panel are held on the second Monday of each month, commencing at 5:30pm. If the meeting date falls on a public holiday, then an alternative date will be selected if required. The CAP agenda, associated reports, and minutes of previous meetings are published on Council's website below by the Friday prior to the meeting.

CAP Membership

Members of the CAP are generally appointed for a term of two years. The CAP is made up of four Independent Members and one Elected Member of Council. Current membership is as follows:

  • Cecilia Pascale (Presiding Member)
  • Rob Gagetti (Independent Member)
  • Will Gormly (Independent Member)
  • Yvonne Svensson (Independent Member)
  • Nathan Grainger (Proxy)
  • Jason Nelson (Council Member)

CAP Terms of Reference

More details on the purpose, role, and activities of the Council Assessment Panel are contained in the CAP's Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct.

CAP Review of Assessment Manager Decision

As described in Clause 10 of the CAP’s Terms of Reference, and prescribed by Section 201 of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016, under certain circumstances an applicant may have a right to request that the CAP review a decision made by the City of Prospect Assessment Manager. Requests for review must be lodged using the relevant form.

The completed application form should be provided to Council in hard copy, or via email to

If you would like any more information on the Council Assessment Panel, please phone Council on (08) 8269 5355, or email us at

Archived CAP agendas and minutes can be found here.